if you don't, you may not relate to this. Now, for those of you with prominent Sagittarius placements, you must be having placements of signs and degrees that indicate jealousy. whoever is reading this, please calm down.ĪSTROLOGY IS TO HELP US ENHANCE KNOWLEDGE imagine if we would have never known, we would have never made effort to take precautions in future. i feel like astrology is not to scare us. Nicolas is no liar, but again, there are worse people with the most common degrees and placements as every other person. Guys, firstly, this is a very broad interpretation. If the natal chart concurs, there is a danger caused by a heart condition or a violent accident. This degree indicates unhappiness in love. One has difficulties in understanding that self-centeredness harms relationships with friends or lovers, and that other people's aspirations must be given due consideration. Selfish, jealous, and conceited character. "A dagger with the hilt encrusted with precious stones pierces a heart caught in a wire screen." Guys, ive seen numerous comments about Sagittarius in 22nd degree, and this is what ive interpreted : I feel dooms after reading that tbh Thanks in advise, I appreciate it, have a blessed day everybody 💛🤍 Is all this true ? If you anyone culd help advise I'd really appreciate it, I'm flabbergasted because I'm in the middle of healing my myself from internal childhood wound.if you could maybe explain a little more yourself or anyone that can help me. The Worst part is it says this is 1 of the worse placements you can have for your life 😓it indicates the worst possible life scenarios.I'm absolutely heartbroken and don't know what to do. Hi wondering could you help or advise, I've just read this exact same thing in my birth chart nothnode in Scorpio critical at 21 degrees, It says the same kill or be killed.!.Its also said it is the degree of a lousy reputation and overshadows our power of manifestation, which I'm absolutely shocked and saddened to read tbh, BUT it gets worse it also said I'm going to lose my husband and will never get over it!.could this be true, I'm petrified.