The feature makes teleportation possible. Even weapons will have no effect on the character because of the God Mode. It holds true even in instances where the character falls from a high place. They will not get injured if other players attack them. It also makes players invincible in the game.

That is, the feature grants them access to customizing the gameplay as per their wishes. Through these features, gamers have full authority regarding how they wish to play the game. But among them, the God Mode remains at the top. It’s a fact that the Impulse mod menu offers many features to its users. Each trainer will have slightly different installation steps.Impulse menu has the typical features you can find in a trainer, such as money drops, RP rank, all unlocks and much more. Once the trainer is installed, you can start GTA V again.Start the trainer by double clicking it, and follow the steps in the installation wizard.You will need to extract the files from the downloaded. Once you’ve chosen a trainer, download it to your computer.There are many different trainers available, so be sure to do your research and find the one that best suits your needs.