Surat tahtim
Surat tahtim

surat tahtim surat tahtim

Regarding volume, it is a relatively short sura among Mufassalat suras (having several short verses), in half of one hizb. Sura al-Tahrim has twelve verses, 254 verses, and 1105 letters. Number of Verses and other Characteristics.This sura is the sixty sixth sura in the current compilation of Qur'an, located in juz' twenty eight. Sura al-Tahrim is a Madani sura and was the 108th sura revealed to the Prophet (s). This sura is also called "Sura al-Nabi (s)", "Lim-a tuharrim" and "al-Mutaharrim". In this verse, the Prophet (s) is asked why he (s) prohibited a permissible issue for himself because of his wives. The famous name of this sura is "al-Tahrim" which is adapted from the first verse of the sura. Also, lessening the punishment of dead ones and easy death of a person who is in his deathbed are mentioned as other benefits of this sura. It is narrated from the Prophet (s) that whoever recites Sura al-Tahrim will be successful to make sincere repentance and not return to sins. One of the famous verses of this sura is verse six which calls believers to save themselves and their families from the hellfire. In this sura, the wives of Prophet Noah (a) and Lot (a) are mentioned as unrighteous women and the wife of Pharaoh and Lady Mary (a) are considered as righteous women. It also urges Muslims toward jihad with disbelievers and hypocrites and to be harsh toward them. Sura al-Tahrim urges wrongdoers to make a sincere repentance and speaks about the effects of faith on the Day of Judgement.

surat tahtim

The name of the sura is adopted from the first verse of the sura which refers to the event when the Prophet (s) made a permissible issue prohibited for himself by taking an oath in order to please his wives. It is a Madani sura located in juz' twenty eight. Sura al-Taḥrim (Arabic: سوره التحریم) is sixty sixth sura of the Qur'an. This article is an introduction to the Sura al-Tahrim to read its text see text:Sura al-Tahrim.

Surat tahtim